This class is offered twice a year, with start dates in the fall and spring. An informational session called "Discovery Session" is held prior to the start of a new class for people to learn more about the program and see if its the right fit for them. It is a yearlong program, that meets once a week for the first three months, and then every other week until the program completes after a year.
Locations vary in the community with previous classes being held in St. Anthony Education Center, Platinum Fitness, Anytime Fitness, Carroll Recreation Center, and Carroll Public Library.
Class is led by a certified lifestyle coaches who are also registered dietitians and diabetes educators in the St. Anthony Chronic Care Center along with guest speakers.
Medicare offers this program as a once in a lifetime preventative option called Medicare
Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) and St. Anthony has been recognized as an MDPP supplier.
Eligible participants are those over the age of 18 and with a BMI equal or greater to 25 (23 if identifying as Asian) plus one of below criteria need to be met:
Call the St. Anthony Chronic Care Center at (712) 794-5901 to find out more.