Diabetes Prevention Program

The St. Anthony Diabetes Prevention Program is a yearlong, lifestyle change program to help you implement changes to lose weight and reduce your risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

This class is offered twice a year, with start dates in the fall and spring. An informational session called "Discovery Session" is held prior to the start of a new class for people to learn more about the program and see if its the right fit for them.  It is a yearlong program, that meets once a week for the first three months, and then every other week until the program completes after a year. 

Locations vary in the community with previous classes being held in St. Anthony Education Center, Platinum Fitness, Anytime Fitness, Carroll Recreation Center, and Carroll Public Library.

Class is led by a certified lifestyle coaches who are also registered dietitians and diabetes educators in the St. Anthony Chronic Care Center along with guest speakers.

Medicare offers this program as a once in a lifetime preventative option called Medicare Diabetes PreventionDiabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) and St. Anthony has been recognized as an MDPP supplier.

Eligible participants are those over the age of 18 and with a BMI equal or greater to 25 (23 if identifying as Asian) plus one of below criteria need to be met:

Call the St. Anthony Chronic Care Center at (712) 794-5901 to find out more.