Pain Management
Enjoy relief from chronic pain.
St. Anthony offers pain management services, giving patients new options for relief of chronic pain. Not everyone who has an illness experiences pain. However, those who do have pain may find they have decreased strength, endurance, appetite, have interrupted sleep, work, or play, and may experience changes in relationships and quality of life.
Pain is a signal that something is wrong and needs attention, so it is important to let your physician or nurse know when you experience new pain or changes in pain. The goal of your healthcare providers is to decrease your pain and suffering, and to enhance a speedy recovery from illness to improve your quality of life.
The St. Anthony Pain Management offers injections using x-ray technology, along with a specialized method of treatment to provide enhanced effectiveness and safety. Spinal injection techniques for low back and neck pain are available, as well as evaluations for other painful conditions, including muscle pain, shingles, and nerve pain.
Pain management services are available:
- Monday: 11:00-3:30
- Wednesday, 11:00-3:30
- Thursday: 8:00-3:30
- Other rotating days throughout the month. Please call for availability.
Physician referrals are preferred; however, for appointments or for further information, call 712-794-5206.
Medical Staff in Pain Management
Damiun Bassandeh, CRNA, ARNP
Chris Hanson, CRNA, MS, ARNP