St. Anthony is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 organization. The following information includes appropriate details to facilitate charitable contributions, fund transfers and drafting of legal documents.
Legal Name:
St. Anthony Foundation
Federal Tax identification number:
Mailing address:
St. Anthony Foundation
PO Box 628
Carroll, IA 51401
Telephone: 712-794-5223
Fax: 712-792-3119
Contact: Sarah Foley, Director of Development
The St. Anthony Foundation endeavors to assure appropriate donor recognition done in accordance with donor wishes. Unless specified, all charitable donations to St. Anthony Regional Hospital and Nursing Home will used to support the mission of providing healthcare services for individuals and families living in west central Iowa. For additional information, please contact Sarah Foley, Director of Development, St. Anthony Foundation at 712-794-5223.