St. Anthony Regional Hospital joins National Stop the Bleed Day

National Stop the Bleed Day takes place during National Stop the Bleed Month. Both support the Stop the Bleed campaign, designed to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. Its goal is to save lives by training people across the country how to stop traumatic bleeding.

Stop the Bleed

posted on 5/22/2019 in Press Releases

Every great cause needs a day for people and organizations supporting it to rally around. Stop the Bleed is one of the nation’s largest public health campaigns and already has many terrific organizations and people supporting it in a variety of grass roots ways. National Stop the Bleed Day, May 23, 2019, is designed to provide a platform for all of them to create awareness of the campaign and to engage new people and organizations to join the cause.

St. Anthony Regional Hospital has joined National Stop the Bleed Day as a partner/supporter/ambassador. As an official Stop the Bleed Licensee, St. Anthony has been supporting the campaign in various ways and is now focused on helping
to make National Stop the Bleed Day a success.

Visit to find out what individuals and organizations can do to participate and to access training and other information. National Stop the Bleed Day is supported by the Department of Defense, the American College of Surgeons, the  Department of Homeland Security and many other organizations across the country.

National Stop the Bleed Day takes place during National Stop the Bleed Month. Both support the Stop the Bleed campaign, designed to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. Its goal is to save lives by training people across the country how to stop traumatic bleeding.


  1. emergency
  2. er
  3. stop the bleed
  4. training

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