Welcome Back to St. Anthony Regional Hospital Campus
St. Anthony invites patients to view this brief video to show them what they can expect to see the next time they visit the St. Anthony Regional Hospital and Clinic campus during the COVID-19 pandemic.
on 6/10/2020
Press Releases
St. Anthony Regional Hospital is pleased to share that the hospital is taking steps to reopen services and departments over the course of the next month. As west central Iowans look to schedule routine, annual exams and screenings, elective procedures and more, St. Anthony encourages patients to stay up-to-date on these important appointments as additional safety measures will remain in place through the remainder of the year. Included in these steps are reopening the clinic entrance under the blue canopy and allowing one visitor for all patients.
“Navigating COVID-19 has been a significant challenge,” said Kyle Ulveling, M.D., St. Anthony Chief Medical Officer. “However, our team has become incredibly adept at protecting the health of our patients. We will continue to ask patients as they enter the hospital to answer a few health survey questions, get your temperature checked, and wear a mask. These steps will help ensure patient safety as we reopen and return to providing much needed health care services to west central Iowans. We are pleased to share that our doors are open, and we are here to serve you.”
During the initial stages of the pandemic, St. Anthony formed an Emergency Operations Team, a cross-functional core team of employees, including Dr. Ulveling and representation from various departments of the organization. This committee was tasked with ensuring the hospital followed recommendations from the Iowa Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“While patient safety has always been our top priority, we’ve taken measures to enhance our precautions and ensure patients feel comfortable coming to St. Anthony,” Dr. Ulveling said. “At this time, we encourage west central Iowans to take time to schedule routine and elective procedures – things like mammograms, colonoscopies, annual physicals and more. These preventative exams are so important because they often help your medical provider catch an illness, disease or diagnosis early, giving patients the best chance at survival.”
Here are the precautionary measures St. Anthony is taking to ensure continued patient safety as the hospital reopens for service:
Entrance points on campus are available during these days and times:
- 1st floor parking garage entrance: 6:00 am – 7:00 pm, 7 days a week
- 2nd floor atrium entrance: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday
- Emergency department entrance: Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Blue canopy, St. Anthony Clinic entrance: (Beginning Monday, June 15th) Open 7:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
In addition:
- For the safety of St. Anthony patients and staff, masks or homemade face coverings are required for anyone over the age of 2 who are able to safely put a mask on and take a mask off. St. Anthony encourages patients to bring a mask from home but will have masks available to use while you are here.
- Each patient who enters the hospital will be required to complete a health symptom screening and temperature check. If the patient does not have any signs or symptoms of illness or a temperature, they will be asked to use hand sanitizer prior to moving about the building.
- As of June 15th, a single, healthy visitor will be allowed for each patient visit. All visitors must wear a mask while on St. Anthony campus.
- Patients visiting the St. Anthony Clinic will check in as they always have. Plexiglass has been installed as an extra barrier between patients and staff members.
- Patients will be taken directly to an exam room when possible. If an exam room is not available, the waiting area has chairs spaced appropriately for social distancing.
- Ongoing cleaning and sanitation efforts are in place, including frequent surface disinfection.
- Telehealth visits are still available for patients who may choose not to physically enter the clinic.
- No visitors are allowed to enter St. Anthony Nursing Home or Garden View Assisted Living.
St. Anthony invites patients to view a brief video for an idea of what they can expect the next time they visit and stay up-to-date with information on service opening dates by viewing this video.
Please note, patients are advised to utilize the Emergency Department if they need immediate medical attention.
If you have respiratory symptoms including fever, cough and/or difficulty breathing, and you have had contact with a person with COVID-19, please call 712-792-2222 or your primary care provider. You will need to complete an assessment over the phone, which will help protect others from possible exposure to the virus.
“We will continue to follow strict procedures as we navigate this new normal. Our precautionary approach to reopening allows St. Anthony to continuously monitor the evolving situation, while best protecting the health of our patients,” Dr. Ulveling said. “This includes daily monitoring of positive COVID-19 cases in the region, timing and implementation of a vaccine, availability of personal protective equipment and much more. Therefore, we will remain fluid in our approach to reopening. We greatly appreciate the trust west central Iowans have placed in St. Anthony to serve their health care needs.”

- reopening
- welcome back