on 5/5/2023
Press Releases
Jenny began her career at St. Anthony in 2003 in The Birth Place and has worked in the birthing department for the last 20 years. She also worked part-time in the St. Anthony OB-GYN Clinic for a few years. Jenny and her husband Jacob reside in Carroll with their three children Abram (16), Channing (12), and Bryce (7).
A portion of the nomination submission read: "Jenny was our OB nurse at The Birth Place when we had our second daughter in February. She was such an amazing nurse through the entire process. I was nervous, and she guided and educated me on everything that was happening. As her shift was ending, I was almost ready to have the baby. Jenny stayed with us so she could help safely deliver the baby. My husband and I were grateful! Jenny is not only an amazing nurse, but a great coach, teacher, voice of reason and overall the best support throughout the birthing experience. Dr. Dvorak was very glad Jenny was able and willing to stay after her shift had ended to help deliver. I can only hope she is working again if/when we have another baby!"
“Jenny has guided and helped countless families bring their babies into the world safely,” said Anita Becker, Vice President of Patient Services and Chief Nursing Officer at St. Anthony. “St. Anthony is proud to continually recognize our nursing staff for their dedicated, compassionate care through the DAISY Foundation.”

Pictured from left: Lori Pietig, Director of Cancer Services; Jenny Nagl, RN, Daisy Award Winner; Bailee Schleisman, Vice President of Quality; and Anita Becker, Vice President of Patient Services and CNO
To nominate a St. Anthony nurse for the Daisy Award, fill out a form at one of the kiosks in the hospital or go to