October 2021 Blog: Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental health should, of course, be discussed year-round. Mental Health Awareness Week presents a unique opportunity for mental health advocates and doctors to share information with a broader audience.

Mental Health

posted on 10/6/2021 in BLOGS from St. Anthony

Mental Health Awareness Week is October 3-9 this year, so now is a great time to check in on your mental health and learn more about mental illnesses and their treatments. Though mental health may still seem like a “taboo” subject, many people in the U.S. live with a mental illness. In 2019, an estimated 51.5 million adults in the U.S. reported that they live with a mental illness. That’s over 20% of the population or 1 in 5 adults! 

Mental health should, of course, be discussed year-round; however, Mental Health Awareness Week presents a unique opportunity for mental health advocates and doctors to share information with a broader audience. Take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about mental health: 

What is Mental Health?

Mental health refers to your emotional health or mental well-being. It can refer to your stress and anxiety level, view and outlook on life, ability to participate in life, and general mood. Someone in good mental health most likely lives life to the fullest, socializes with friends and family, copes with life’s obstacles well, and has a generally positive outlook on life. 

It’s important to remember that even those with good mental health can get sad, unhappy, stressed, or anxious. However, most of the time, those feelings can pass over a short time, and you can bounce back into your regular mood and routine. If your anxiety or sadness develops into a serious, long-term issue, it’s vital to get the help you need to get your mental health back on track. You should also make sure to check in with your mental health from time to time: circumstances and events can change that affect our mental health, and that’s completely normal. 

What conditions are associated with mental illnesses? 

Several different conditions are considered mental illnesses, including but not limited to: 

  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Depression
  • Psychosis
  • Substance Abuse/Addiction
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Symptoms may include mood changes, feeling sad, inability to concentrate, tiredness and fatigue, low energy, withdrawal from social activity, excessive worry, suicidal thoughts, changes in eating habits, and/or excessive anger. 

What are some tips to help maintain a good mental health?

Maintaining good mental health often means maintaining good physical health as well. Here are some tips that could help you maintain positive mental health: 

  • Socialize and spend time with friends and family.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Journal your achievements and gratitude.
  • Get away from social media.
  • Travel.
  • Go outside for fresh air and sun.
  • Meditate.
  • Try something new: cooking, arts, writing, sports, anything!
  • Do something you know you can succeed at.

What can I do during Mental Health Awareness Week?

Mental Health Awareness Week has a few dates of note, including: 

  • Tuesday, October 5: National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding
  • Thursday, October 7: National Depression Screening Day
  • Sunday, October 10: World Mental Health Day

On these days, monitor your mental health, check in with your loved ones, and engage with others who live with mental illness to learn more about mental health. By doing this, you can support and advocate for others who have a mental illness while engaging in your self-care. 

St. Anthony Regional Hospital is dedicated to providing high-quality care to all of our patients. Inspired by faith and committed to excellence, we aim to improve the health of every person we serve, from medical and physical health care to mental health resources and appointments. With health, healing, and hope, our experienced health care providers are here to serve you! Visit our website to learn more and find a location near you or give us a call at 712-792-3581.



  1. mental health

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